报告题目报告题目:Tunable Metamaterial in Optical Sensor Application

报 告 人Yu-Sheng Lin博士




Recently, the tunability of metamaterials has been widely investigated as their tuning capabilities could broaden the working bandwidth and enable reconfigurable metamaterials devices. These tunable metamaterials with negative refractive index properties have been demonstrated by sophisticated fabrication technology and optimized designs. The tuning methods are often used to adjust the resonant frequency by means of semiconductor diodes, or by changing the surrounding media, which are the passive control of the properties of the metamaterials and highly dependent on the nonlinear properties of the nature materials. On the other hand, MEMS technology has been well developed for fabrication and actuation of complicated micromechanical devices with extreme performance and flexibility. That has been well developed for active control of metamaterials and enabling complicated 3-D micromechanical devices. This technology provides an ideal platform to directly reconfigure unit cells of the metamaterials, which overcomes the limitations of metamaterials composition through the use of bulk silicon micromachining.

In this talk, I will present (1) metamaterials physics; (2) the electromagnetic controllability of metamaterials in visible, infrared, and THz wavelength ranges; (3) active control of metamaterials by using MEMS based metamaterials; (4) tunable metamaterials in optical sensor applications.


Yu-Sheng Lin(林佑昇),2011年获台湾清华大学纳米工程与微系统研究所工学博士,2012.01-2014.12于新加坡国立大学电机与计算机工程系担任研究员,长期从事光学微机电制程技术与纳米结构的设计制作及其应用。作为第一作者的研究成果被国际新闻媒体和产业界杂志如SemiconductorToday和CompoundSemiconductor报道和高度评价。在新加坡国立大学担任研究员期间,主要研究内容为硅光子晶体与可调变超材料,将其与微致动器整合以应用于光学滤波器、光学传感器与光开关等。所发表SCI学术期刊与国际会议论文55篇,其中第一与通讯作者为30篇,包括LightScience& Application,Appl.Phys.Lett,Opt.Lett,IEEE JSTQE,IEEEJMEMS等数十篇著名光学与微加工期刊,并于2012至2015年先后担任AppliedSurface Science、Surface Science、Optics Letters、SensorsandMaterials、Journal of theOpticalSocietyofAmericaB、JournalofMicro/Nanolithography,MEMS,andMOEMS等国际知名期刊审稿委员与IEEE的第九届、第十届智能传感器,传感器网络与信息处理研讨会的会议技术委员会成员。于2016年受邀担任RSCAdvances审稿委员。

